LA PUERTA De Puente Iglesias

Located about two hours away from Medellin Puente Iglesias is a doorway path to the Suroeste Zone of Antioquia, situated on the footbed of the mountain next to the Cauca River; it sits about 10 miles away from the nearest town main square, hence the name of the project, "La Puerta." We were tasked to design a high-end boutique hotel in this location to be the gateway keeper, lure tourists in, and aid in the growing local economy.

The building is an homage to the region, the local artisans, and craftsmen. All materials are locally sourced. The region is known worldwide for its specialty coffee production; this industry has discarded the many rock formations that are naturally in the area. This practice allowed us to design a construction process that can only be done by hand, hiring local people to make this a reality.

  • Type: Hotel

    Location: Jericó, Colombia

    Size: 16,000m2

    Date of Completion: 2026

    Services Provided: Architecture, Interior Design.


Family's Home 700


Couple's quarters 270